Out of home advertising has taken on new track in the wake of the COVID-19 lockdowns, with nearly half (45%) of the adults saying they are noticing OOH advertising more than before the pandemic began. This heightened awareness and receptivity are particularly prevalent among those ages 18 – 54. Overall, a significant percentage note seeing safety and hygiene or sales and promotions advertisements to be useful.

A similar number remark that they were grateful for useful information from OOH messages, were educated about something new, or were simply comforted by the signage or outdoor display, since it was a harbinger of businesses’ return. Meanwhile, more than two-thirds (68%) of consumers agree that they are spending so much time looking at device screens these days that they are tuning out digital online ads.

Those are some key findings from “Consumer Trends & OOH – Q4 2020,” a new research report from ΟΑΑΑ & The Harris Poll. The survey confirms that these trends are in sync with consumers’ renewed appreciation for the outdoors, with 69 percent of adults saying their positive awareness of their surroundings has increased after COVID-19 lockdowns.

Afterall, during the challenges of lockdown, we are all enjoying time in our neighborhoods and beyond—with a greater appreciation for everything we experience outside of our homes.

This research has confirmed that OOH has the power to influence consumers as never before.